In the later European art, they take for recognized the subject matter of the self-portrait and artist take it as natural the sense of themselves as unique. This self-portrait which paints by Dürer is quite usual. The portrait is unlike any that came before. The size of the portrait is half-length, frontal and highly symmetrical (67 x 49 cm). As the history note, we found this painting is similar to some religions paintings, involving the symmetry, the dark one background and gesture. Especially, the manner is shown raising his right hand to the middle of his chest which is the pose of blessing. There is unknown why Dürer decided to portray himself in this painting. However, he painted the self-portrait as Chris and the historians found the painting which is similar poses or expressions in his 1498 Christ as Man of Sorrows.
2.Explain how the artist's social status increased during the Renaissance period. Briefly explain why this happened
During the renaissance, the artist’s became more important and independent, music and literature either. People started to use some of the wealth on supported writers and artists; they got more interesting in arts. People started to ask more detail in the art and various content and from. Many innovations from artists were encouraged by the wealthy people.
Most works from Given Turk based on his own signature. We can see the strong personality in his work that the definition of individualism. He also made some photographic and sculptural self-portraits. I can have adequate proof that it related egotism. He also interested in the effect of the way fame and celebrity in understanding art, he has been describe many famous people on his sculpture works. Turk has participated in group exhibitions and designs community education projects recently year.
Death is a central theme in Damien Hirst’s work. He put animals (e.g. a shark, a sheep, a cow) in formaldehyde. He also made "spin paintings," created on a spinning circular surface, and "spot paintings".
3.Comment on Gavin Turk's work in relation to individualism, status of the artist and egotism
Most works from Given Turk based on his own signature. We can see the strong personality in his work that the definition of individualism. He also made some photographic and sculptural self-portraits. I can have adequate proof that it related egotism. He also interested in the effect of the way fame and celebrity in understanding art, he has been describe many famous people on his sculpture works. Turk has participated in group exhibitions and designs community education projects recently year.
4.Comment on Damien Hirst's use of his work and the media for self promotion
Death is a central theme in Damien Hirst’s work. He put animals (e.g. a shark, a sheep, a cow) in formaldehyde. He also made "spin paintings," created on a spinning circular surface, and "spot paintings".
5.Find 2 images of work by artists or designers that reflects some of the ideas of individualism, self promotion or egotism that have been discussed on this blog. Upload images to your blog, title and date the work, identify the artist/designer and comment on the work in relation to the question.
"pop" Gavin Turk
"The Physical Impossibility of Death in the Mind of Someone Living"Damien Hirst
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